Friday, November 18, 2005

like master like dog?

Me and Luie really did rub off on each other. In so many more ways than one. When I lost that damn hard drive, I lost all those pictures I actually rediscovered of him. I saw one and was really excited about preserving it, maybe even using it as a background on my desktop at work. But its gone. Maybe I can scan some photos at work? I really miss his pressense and the affection he would provide me. Toni and Angel were talking about how they feed their dogs, and I got really nostalgic. Of course it ended on the same note it always does when I start thinking about it; me feeling realy sad and lonely and visualizing his dead body, and reliving his last night alive. Now I didn't share these thoughts with Stephen. Later that night he did tell me that Brooklyn Dave actually got a puppy and took it to Florida. Thats not right on so many obvious levels, but I am going to veer away from this topic, I'm not in the mood to talk anymore about puppies...even though someone in my building has the tiniest beagle pup, even though for like the past 3 years no new dogs were to have been allowed! I constantly see new ones! No, I'm going to move about other things damn it...

Some times I feel left out in the office. Everyone else in customer service (Administration lol) speak Spanish and they all have a history together. I am no longer the newest person in my department, but Vicky has been friends with Lourdess and Maritza for a long time. I can't really relate to the on anything out side of work because I really don't care for their cooking, or baseball, or Jesus. Kinda feel like I did on the other job, just not as bad, these people are friendlier than my pervious co-workers. Sometimes I feel left out when Stephen and Joe run off together somewhere. But then I remember how much work I have ahead of me that is on a deadline, so I rationalize that its better I stay at my desk. That doesn't make me feel any better, but I guess I could have felt guilty if I did go off and do something else and know I wasn't doing my intended job. Tomorrow is the 90 day review, hopefully I walk out with a pay increase of more than just $1.10. Sometimes I really miss the diversity of activities and the freedom of my previous job. SOMETIMES. I actually am happy at my new job, I just hope I won't still be in customer support in 2006 (in whatever title Stpehen wants to give that department). Its funny though, Lourdess says I am very good on the phone. I guess I am. I came out of my phone shell. But I rather be doing other things.

There are times where I feel my job is to scare Asians. I call up all these insured beauty parlors that are run by Chinese people, and they all think I am either INS or a telemarketor! And I have to convince them that they are getting this cal because they have an insurance policy for their bolier/machinery. The worst part is that they are almost always just tenants, and tenants aren't responsible for the damn boilers so don't even do those sites! But I do love it when they say "no one here speaks english" in a very non-accented way and answer other questions in good english. Or better yet, they don't want to talk to me, but they can't seem to hang up the phone "we no unda stand, okay?" and they are still on the phone "okay? no english" still didn't hang up... A couple of days ago I had to call an insurance producer and I was routed to the St. Paul's Travelers phone center, but I didn't know this, I was expecting some small insurance company in Forest Hills, and I get this really fast long technical line, and I actually ask "Am I talking to a real person or is this just a machine?" and the bitch hung up on me.

I really felt like writing something down, I guess I'm just too tired to actually do anything. I hear Stephen 'pimped' his blog too. Maybe this weekend I can put something interesting up.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

blurring the lines between video games and reality

absolutely hilarious

the shemue one would have been great if he ran into someone who actually realized who he was supposed to be. Thing is, that guy playing Ryu was missing the bandaid on his cheek, and was over weight.

damn you mother nature!

hit the above link! Can't even enjoy a kids soccer game with out nature coming along and blowing everything away.

its Japanes, give a sec, it gets crazy!


----spoiler-----its a tornado----spawned in the middle of a soccer game----

Pimp My Blog?

not quite, but still, I changed up the appearance, none of the content has changed, updated the profile info. Even started up another site. That one is actually dedicated to my video game war experiences. Just hit me, thats alot like having a virtual football league, but I think its alot more fun. I've been meaning to actually start up that war journal for a long time now. Although in name its influenced by The Punisher, its actually far from what he is about. I've been meaning to make alot of other sites, and I finally got one up. I originally wanted my War Journal to be about my experiences in Operational Art of War, but I have really not played it in a long time and still haven't reinstalled it, but I mention at that site that I would also chronical other war game experiences. I have also been meaning to write out some stories that are always running through my imagination, including Gundam side stories, my own alternate reality Gundam stories, and a fantacy (as in wizards and dragons and goblins OH MY!, not the naughty kind, I do that elsewhere...). Maybe I will get those up at one point. Maybe if I get Civilization IV I will keep a track of the goings on in my virtual civilization.