Friday, August 05, 2005

Armed and Slightly Dangerous

my AK just arrived. Tested it out. Tee Hee, Tee Hee, I feel so giddy! Well now that I got my gun I can go to work and move boxes. Not that excited about that, but eh, 1 more week.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

You should always obey street signs

And clearly, you shouldn't honk on Sex Street. I love that sign. Its almost like a landmark down town. I didn't even see it untill I saw people taking pictures of it on a night out with Stipan. I took this picture the pervious time Va-ree was here. Since she is here again, I thought I would put it up. This is actually the corner of Houston and ESSEX St. The guys putting up the sign MUST have known what they were doing. Have I mentioned how much I love my city?

And seriously, don't honk on Sex St. Also, don't go down 2 way streets down the middle or worse on the left side. And when a park says it 'closes' at dusk, you should really stay clear. And don't set off fire works next to the street and behind a Fire Dept. Ambulance, seriously. And yes Billy, always use lube if you are going to do anything anal that involves penetration, because you see Billy, if you are going to do a rimjob, lube will ruin the experience for the giver. Not a problem Billy! You know I'm always here to dispence important life advice.

we figured something out last tuesday night

the reason Jen's Joe needs so much sleep time is because he pulls a 'Tyler Durden' on us. He has a Disociative Personality Disorder. Yup. And you want to know how we figured this out? Sure you do Billy! Its because when he thinks he is alseep for all that time, he is really performing with The Muggs as their front mant. Yup! Just go look at them!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

let me tell you about Texas radio

or about something else entirely? At-a-boy Billy, lets keep it easy! Last night was fun, Brooklyn Dave, Big Joe, Stipan and I went to Pianos. It was the first time for everyone except Dave. It was a good venue. Wish Borges could have hooked us up though, since her uncle owns the place. The Muggs were great! Much better than the material we have been listening to in Stipan's car. And there were ALOT of Asian women there, ALOT! I didn't mind that at all. And as soon as me and Dave walked into the place, these 2 chicks at the end of the bar were checking us out, it felt nice...sure did.

Hope Dave passed his driving exam today, maybe I should call instead of just wonder...hmm, he didn't pick up, oh well.

Stipan's folks will be leaving today, so his crib should be open to party any moment now.

Lately I have been spending money on a hobby that I will probably be the only one enjoying, Airsoft, its like paintball, but with replica guns. I got a AK47 coming my way, and alot of B-Bs and paintballs. I am planning on getting 2 spare magazines and a tactical vest. This is all going to hit the wallet, but damn it, its so 'F'ing cool! The goal is to get my friends into this and we can go to the woods and play some war games (theres dreaming Roman). I am going to have to stay in South this weekend, no upstate for me. I need to open up an new bank account, and party up at Stipan's place, and I accidentally arranged to work with Elly this friday, and that is when my AK47 is scheduled to arrive! Stupid Roman, well maybe I can pick it up from FedEx on Saturday if they fail to deliver it on Friday.

Lately I have really been thinking about getting a G35. The thing is, that should really be in the distance. I need to be saving up for a ring first off. I should really cut down on my luxeries spending.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The Begining of The End

this is the end
no more...non-essentiality (real word? could be, lets run with it), and the begining of a new track for my life. Just went through my 'interview' with Bruno, if you can call it that. I mean, a couple of minutes into it he just says "Stevie told me to hire you, so I will" Now I am waiting for Stephen to pick me up and we can go pee together! Its a drug test, I swear, we aren't that kinky!His is random, mine is pre-employment. Then I'll have him drop me off at my present office of employment. I'll call Erika and fill her in on the details on Wednesday.

I submitted my 2 week notice last night before I left the office, and I was uber-cowardly about it too. Waitd for the secretaries to leave, and waited for Elly to get out of her office before I dropped it in her in-box and promptly got the hell out. I guess when I come in I will have to answer questions today. If it wasn't out of curtesy, I might have just started next Monday, but everyone was telling me that 2 weeks was the proper way to do it, but I was/am a Independant Contractor, technically I could have just left with out any notice. I have decided to get off the legal track, at least at this point in my life, maybe in the future I will try again, but at this time, I have decided to persue other avenues. Maybe I will explain that later, maybe not, who knows.

Well, Stephen just gave me the call, so I guess I should put my clothes back on and make my way downstairs.