Friday, July 29, 2005

Last Friday Of July

man, this summer is nearing the end. Last night we celibrated Big Joe's bday with a dinner at Tennessee Mt. courtesy of City Spec, Inc. It was delicious. Everyone barely finshed whatever their last rib was. I was feeling so full in the morning I ended up getting out of bed mad early. Even got to work at 8:45. Even answered a phone call while I was there! I'm still there, err, ah, still here that is. Reading some cases and seperating them by types. Some are intersting. But I spent alot of time looking at stuff online. First I checked out the Russian counter to the Hummer, the Kombat, and the Russian counter to the HMMVEE, the Tiger. Then I decided to look up AKs, and I ended up checking out various Airsoft assault riffles. I tell you I am loving this AK47, and am really considering getting it. I found one for under $40, so thats the one I will probably end up getting.

But on a much more serious note, I need to make a big change in my life. I need to change jobs. I don't like to sit around and look at stuff online most of the work day! Some is great, but not most of the time! I need to feel like I am an essential member of a team. And make more money. But I don't want to switch to a job where I will get stuck in for the rest of my life. I really don't think I will do well enough on my 2nd LSAT to get into law school. I am still going to prepare for it and take the test, I am registered for October 1st. So if I don't go that route, I don't know if I will ever become a professional or even have a decent living salary where I won't seem like I am riding Erika's coat tails. I do have a couple of temporary solutions in front of me. Yesterday I found out more about one, now I need to get more details about the other. The 1st might lead to something greater, but it starts out lower, the 2nd would start out higher, but I have no idea where it will lead to. And the person I need to talk to isn't online during the day, or night lately. I don't really want to call her because I can't really talk long, and this would be a long convo.

On other issues; I am going upstate tonight. Just me and my mom. Charlie might be coming up this weekend, probably not though. Jenya is up. Sophia will be coming up. This might get weird. I guess I can enjoy the out doors during the day, and study in the evening. I really wish I didn't plan on becoming a lawyer and had other skills. I have so much anxiety over my seemingly insecure future, I can't even focuse on other activities. I am trying to write about other stuff, but it keeps coming back to this!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

We <3 Katamari Demaci

we sure do! Can't believe this didn't actualy come earlier to me. Damn it Billy! Thats a link up there!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005



Sci-Fi Anime in da hizzle!

fo shizzle

that there is a link to one of Emily's albums with mostly pictures from last evening. I got there an hour late and I missed all the group pictures, but I am in some of them. That was a great time. What a fun group. Cracking jokes, sipping on vodka, watching Ong Bak and playing Halo 2 and cards and just chilling, couples hooking up, it just felt good. Had a great time. Big thanks has to go out to Charles for being the MC essentially, your the man Stabby!

Afterwards I met up with the topsiders, you know, the out siders who live in the real world and can't comprehend us, yes those Billy, specifically Anat and Brooklyn Dave (too bad Samurai Davae was working that night). I met up with them at Shikurin and then they wanted to do more stuff but had no idea of what to do, so I ended up driving them around my old neighborhood. And thank goodness for consistancy, my old building is still missing the front set of doors, and I still stopped at a stop sign and thought it was a traffic light. Even funnier the guy behind me didn't even beep me or anything. It was a very pleasant night out with friends.

This is Staby's photo album, it is his picture and Emily's, so it's a much more complet set, check it out.

Monday, July 25, 2005

I R Baboon

at least I have a baboon's ass! All nice and red in the fun parts. Taned out in my banana hamock on m lawn at my dacha. The intention was to get a good burn there. It doesn't hurt, really, it doesn't, just feels hot, like I'm sitting on a hot hood of a car. I hope Erika will enjoy my new tan-lines. I saw this hot asian woman at the pizzaria formerly known as Moma Toma's, Erika would have really approved. I miss Erika, I will call her after I get back from Brooklyn on Monday. I got alot done around the dacha this weekend; threw out the trash, bottles, bikes, mowned the lawn, played some tennis, did some swiming (I think I am allergic to the lake by the way), did I mention I burned my ass? I also got to drive my granny home from Charlie's house. I got to see Genya while I was there, and he was the only person there that counted really. I don't think I was ever completly alone up there before, I have always had my grandmother or other relatives watch over me, or my brother, and then when I was unsupervised I at least had Luie. It was very very depressing the first night and the day. Maybe I will get some company this weekend?