Monday, June 27, 2005

Thats it, Jennifer is officialy off our orgy list!

She was supposed to meet up with Erika today, and didn't. Didn't even call to let her know or anything like that. I don't hate her, ditsy is as ditsy does, but I just won't consider her for future naghtiness, not even in my fantacies, stricken off of there as well.

I am sweaty, but satisfied. At least a little. Sweaty because of the weather, satisfied, for unknown reasons. I was expecting Isabell's party to be jumpin' or at least bumpin' if not pop'n, but it was tame, but nice. I enjoyed myself. It was the first time I went to a party that I didn't know anyone, well thats not true, obviously I knew Isabell, but I mean with out a partner. Erika was still in NJ at the time and Stephen and Co. were shooting off fireworks.

The party was very enjoyable to me because Borges showed up. We were chatting away the entire time she was there. I talked to a couple of guys who were there. Jokes were made, people laughed. No beer pong was played, even though I kept sugesting it. Only Isabell's dog was there, and she was adorable. She does seem young, but she is 9. Paul (who is NOT Peter) seemed cool. Eventually Erika showed up, and it was nice to hang out with another couple.

Limor was there. She is Isabell's best friend. I am not a big fan of hers. And I most definately did not expect or want to see her breast. Yet, I did.

I would like to say Isabell got drunk at her own party, but hey, drunks are those who stumble home, she was already home, so she couldn't have been drunk! The cake was tasty, and I don't usually like cake. There as alot of variety in the beer. And a variety in the people there. And she liked my present, and so did Paul.

SO! Next order of business; getting ready to go upstate. Any one want to volunteer their time to help me open up my dacha? Or donate or lend some entertainment for my 6 day trip? We cancelled our cable, so we won't have any entertainment at night. I plan on taking my PS2 up with us, but I don't have any party games for it right now, and I plan on taking up some DVDs, but I would rather take up some movies or shows I haven't seen yet. Any wish to contribute? Otherwise I will just have to keep trying to have sex every night, and I might be too tired from manual labor for that.

Lately our entertainment has been reading the original War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells
We would read this story to each other. At her house, in the park, and when we will be upstate. Its great to read it, and be like, yeah thats pretty smart, except we all know better now about certain details, but lots of it must have been briliant for its time.