good morning...or is it?
considering I only went to sleep at 6AM, I don't think I can say I 'had a good nights sleep' or more like since Erika kept calling my house and pulling me out of my sleep, or the Jehoba's Wittness' who rang my door bell and actually made me get out of bed. Even on a day I don't have to wake up early for work I am not allowed to sleep in and enjoy my weekend. The only thing left to look forward for this weekend is work on an essay that I am not interested in finishing. If someone calls to wake me up at any point on Sunday, don't expect to reach a nice Mr. Spank or ask any favors from me. MY WEEKEND, MY TIME! LEAVE MY TIME TO ME TO PLAN AND ENJOY OR SUFFER! Its 3PM and I'm a wake! The nerve of some people! But seriously baby, I love you, but don't wake me up, no matter how 'late' you might think it is, waking me up is still waking me up, and its not nice. God damn jahoba's wittness. Alrgiht, I'm gonna have some breakfast, having some hachipurim.