Sunday, November 13, 2005

Pimp My Blog?

not quite, but still, I changed up the appearance, none of the content has changed, updated the profile info. Even started up another site. That one is actually dedicated to my video game war experiences. Just hit me, thats alot like having a virtual football league, but I think its alot more fun. I've been meaning to actually start up that war journal for a long time now. Although in name its influenced by The Punisher, its actually far from what he is about. I've been meaning to make alot of other sites, and I finally got one up. I originally wanted my War Journal to be about my experiences in Operational Art of War, but I have really not played it in a long time and still haven't reinstalled it, but I mention at that site that I would also chronical other war game experiences. I have also been meaning to write out some stories that are always running through my imagination, including Gundam side stories, my own alternate reality Gundam stories, and a fantacy (as in wizards and dragons and goblins OH MY!, not the naughty kind, I do that elsewhere...). Maybe I will get those up at one point. Maybe if I get Civilization IV I will keep a track of the goings on in my virtual civilization.


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