Friday, November 04, 2005

its people like this that threaten the American way!

no, really, hit the link and read the entire thing. Its all true. And this is the type of leader the US government tried to coup. This is the type of man that the White House is afraid of, because he can set an example for the rest of Sout America. For those who haven't heard, last winter South American latin countries got together and laid down the foundation for the Union of South America. At the turn of the last century, it was predicted that Argintina would rival the USA. If all of South America was to unite and follow Hugo Chavez's example and they come together under the Bolivarian flag, South America will rise up as a super power. That is something intolerable for the American establisment. That is why Hugo Chavez must be killed (been attempted). The notion of alternative paths to the ones dictated by the United States must be whiped out. God forbid they think for themselves and grow strong and inspire others! But then again, they can just start another highly profitable cold war with the Southern or Latin Devils, which no doubt they will be called. As little as possible will be taught about them except for anything they can use to demonize them to scare the dimwitted population of this country into compliant pupets.

There is a new PC game called Shattered Union, I think thats the title. In the near future Washington DC gets nuked, and the United States begins to fall apart as states and regions succed. The EU sends in peace keepers. A new civil war rages in North America. I love that concept. The American empire out stretches the Roman one, what makes these emperors think that barbarians can't bring this empire to its knees and tear it apart?

Why can't our nations just focus on actually helping our own people first, and then about making profits. Maybe cut out entirely that bit about exploiting people abroad and telling everyone else how to live their lives. Let South America rise to be proud and strong. Let the middle east be theocratic. Focus on curing the poverty that ails us at home. Mend our internal cultural divids that it has tradionaly encouraged (like fanning a flame). How about worrying more about highly questionable election results at home than the ones which have actually be certified by international observers! To even speak of spreading democracy abroad from our nation's leader is an insult considering his previous 2 elections where highly questionable and he has ordered coups and assassinations of other nations leaders.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having unfortunately stumbled upon your silly rambling rant against the American establishment, I'd just like to let you know how sad you sound. Is it that you actually think Argentina and Chavez know what their doing or is it because they stand up to the big bad empire you so detest? Because lets be honest here, Argentina arguably has one of the most stagnant and crippled economies in South America. Chavez is grasping at straws continuously, and all his posturing has done is convince paranoid conspiracy fans like yourself. His main focus is whining about America instead of fixing his own country. But of course, if the internet and Chavez say that America will attempt his assassination, it must be true! The complete lack of realism and understanding as evidenced by your latest entry is simply hilarious to me. I can bet your next entry will be about how America could cure cancer if the big bad drug companies just wanted to. And if you actually think any country in the entire world is ever going to place people over profits, you are a sad individual indeed. That kind of mentality is what forces socialist states into collapse. Furthermore, in the interest of actually making you post something coherent, I am going to teach about something people call ad hominem attacks. It means to attack someone's personal integrity when you have absolutely no idea how to form a rational argument that might actually form a reasonable debate. Example: America shouldn't be allowed to talk about world affairs, because Bush "cheated" his way through an election. Pointing out someone’s supposed hypocrisy does nothing but make you look whiny. I do sincerely hope that your next post is at least more informed. Anyway, keep up the hilarity and you can be sure I’ll check back for your response and another hopefully more cogent diatribe.

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chavez is simply trying to play on the idea that America is a big bad empire by offering oil at low prices to poor communities. I am certain that he is doing so to both take attention away from the poor management job he is doing of his country and to create a reputation that will make him appear like a super hero to many people. This will in turn cause, if he is ever assasinated, some type of sympathetic feeling towards him and his unjust cause.

2:33 PM  

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