Wednesday, November 02, 2005

alot has happened

its been months since I have really shared the goings on in my life with friends and strangers through the blogosphere. And I realy don't think I have put up any of any real context ever.

Well its easier to give a recap than get into something deep...who knows maybe I can digress into something deeper?

What have you missed? Let me see? First time paint balling, first time Erika got a lap dance in a strip club from a woman (HOT!, no think even hotter!), celibrated a couple of bdays at some shitty dance clubs. Could you believe in Nerv-Ana some jack ass put gum on Kurt Cobain's mural? Its just not right. Met Inna again, she told me that no one in her family likes Sophia either, that felt good, slapped her five, apparently hurt her, I don't know if that just made it all feel even better. I still don't like her, something about her just rubs me the wrong way.

The best time I really spent in a dance club type of place was actualy this past Saturday night, it was me and Stephen celibrating Halloween (as everyone should know is the only holiday I get excited about) We hit Saloon on 84 St. and York Ave. Everyone had costumes. Saw a group dressed as the cast of Anchorman, and Packman, Inky, Blinky and Pinky, and In Living Color's Head Detective, Brawny paper towl guy, the Blues Brothers and of course lets not forget the women, and I don't mean the guys dressed as women, although Super Girl was a nice site on that guy and so was the french maid with her tit out, that guy sure had some balls to put that on! But the women, of course the biggest reason I love this holiday, were dressed pretty sleazy! MMMM sleaz, I love seeing the super heroins and pirates and referees and even Cruela DeVil was good looking. And Erika was right, Raggady Ann can look hot and slutty!

Getting in to Saloon was a chore. We waited on line, at the head of the line most of the time mind you, literaly at the door, for an hour. They were over capacity, although if you paid for the open bar, for some reason you got in. So we eventually caved in and paid $80 for the both of us. Stephen decided he would drive sober for a change, maybe because Natalie was there? Who knows, but I got smashed! Woo wee! Then I was dancing, and not just by my self! Katie was there, from previous adventure I should get into...I actually grinded up with her, well, its really more like down, she is a little thing, and boy was she receptive. It was weird that it wasn't Erika's ass that was so receptive, nor a black woman. I came home that night after 3:00AM and layed down in bed and realized something "I am SO not sober." Before Stephen dropped me off I had another realization; Katie was the same one that Dave and Stephen were going to compete for when we went to the White Stripes concert (I will get into that adventure soon...keep reading). Like 45 minutes earlier I had asked Natalie who that girl was, and she said Kattie, lets just leave it to me being drunk being the reason I couldn't connect the dots.

I liked Natalie, she seemed cool. Wouldn't believe she was related to Jennifer P. if I didn't know better. Different body type (better) different attitude (much better), I don't understand how Stephen didn't hook up with her over these years, I would have totaly gone for her, as I know so would Dave. That whole "but we're friends" thing would have only sweetened the deal for him. Lets not kid our selves, that wouldn't have stopped me either. She took pictures of me and Stephen that night, hope I get to see them at one point, that sure would be nice.

We went to see the White Stripes when they performed at Key Span Park, home of the Cyclones! Yeah! Mino league baseball! Thats where its at! lol But seriously, that was a great show. Meg White actually looked good. Performance was great, I think Stephen clocked them at 2 hours, thats a good committed performance. They rocked, and in so many ways, a sign of real artistry, they know how to do it more than one way. It was a giant difference compared to when I saw them open up for the Strokes a couple of years ago at Radiocity. We were at the general admission right at the stage, so I had to force my way in to a good view and stand the entire show. But it was worth it, that duo is amazing. We caught maybe half of the 2nd opening act, which was not interesting in anyway. We were late thanks to me because I was stuck the entire day in 1 part of Brooklyn helping my dad, and made the mistake of listening to my brother and waiting for him to take me home. After the show, I felt so good, maybe it was a second hand high, I don't know, but I had such a good time during the performance, and I came out feeling great. Met up with Stephen and Dave (I left them in the crowed because I actually wanted a good angle of the show), and Dave went a head to ruin my buzz. But I'm really used to that, its just a sad reminder when it happens. I don't know why, but he really seems not believe or accept anything I have to say in regards to my projections of Stephen's relationship potential. I don't know why I let it bother me so much when I know Stephen actually values my opinions and projections. But anyway, back to that night...we end up going to a bar in Brooklyn about a block from where some of my relatives used to live (hmm, Dave didn't seem to believe that either). Funny how Jessica goes to this bar often, apparently just about every saturday night, but she wasn't able to tell us where it is exactly. We ended up going through a quarter of Brooklyn looking for 3 different locations. When we found the place, I was not happy, the demographic was way to old for my tastes. I was slightly entertained by the fact that Stephen and Dave made such a big commotion of hitting on Kattie, but they never went for her, never even spoke to her, only Jessica seemed to even aknowledge her being there. She was a cute homey looking girl, nothing special. I have a feeling she would get carded at a PG13 movie. But I doubt thats the reason they didn't move in on her; when these guys are together they spend more time all over each other laughing and cracking jokes and trying to out drink each other and talking about the women instead of talking to the women. Unless of course Devang is there to get them an 'in.' Oh Devang, we miss you so. There were free sandwiches at that place, which was the best part for me, I had to really restrain myself from not diving in and scarfing down those sandwiches infront of everyone like some savage, I was really hungry and bored and not feeling too happy.

I always seem to have these deep thoughts while driving or listening to music. It never seems to make it down on to some form of record. I was really hoping that blogging would help fix that. But I always seem to get into just a trivial review of my life. I'm glad some of you are entertained by my blog, and even missed it while I wasn't keeping up with it.

Hey, here's another trivial fact! I had gotten a 250 External Hard Drive, and I moved all my precious things onto it and I was going to back it up, but it broke, so I lost all my non replacable things; pictures since HS, essays, labs, projects, our porn! Things like anime, music and ROMs I can always re-download (although some will be tough to locate) alot of the stuff I lost I will not be able to reacquire. That was very upsetting to me. And to top it off, what do they do when they find out? They send out a replacement, but its the wrong kind, so do they let me keep the 300 gig external hard drive? No, Joe and Stephen insist on sending it back, and do they over night a or at least a 2nd day a new correct unit? HELL NO, its been 2 weeks since this tragedy and they haven't replaced my item, and absolutely nothing to compensate me for my loss. Just salt into a wound.

Sometimes I feel no deeper than a sitz bath. Sometimes I feel very passionate about large and important things, but when it comes down to the every day and things that really affect me I feel apathetic. I want to do so much, but I am only willing to do so little. I don't feel I am the only one who feels that way. But that doesn't make it any better. I am reminded of Life of Brian where 'the people's liberation front of judea' or whatever splinter group they were would rise to action to sit down and debate. Great movie by the way. I think its actually has some timeless elements to it. I really want to write something meaningful. Sometimes I envy the lonely; with out obligations to other human beings you can really explore life! Maybe I can get more into that later, its getting pretty late, I have enough trouble staying awake at work anyway, I should go to sleep now.

Enjoy my corner of the blogosphere! Maybe leave some feedback/comments unless you are dirty lazy good for nothing spammer bastard!


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