Sunday, August 14, 2005

The End of an Era

well, I cleaned out my desk from the job I was working at for over 4 years. And when I left, the first song that played on the radio was Bob Dylan's Like a Rolling Stone. If I was someone that believed in omens, I would have been very worried. Its funny how on my last day on that job, I got my very first ticket ever, well, my first and 2nd. It felt good to leave, it really did, untill that song started playing, don't get me wrong, its a great song, just not what I needed to hear at the time. Its going to be tough working at a real job now; I mean, I was able to come in virtually when ever at the old job, now I have to be there at 8AM, 8!! Thats going to be tough. And before I walked 1 block, hopped on the subway and came out in front of my office building in a couple of minutes. Now I am going to go through what everyone else has to go through, suffer the morning commute, end of the easy road. Man, 8AM is going to be really tough.

Friday was a day I won't mind forgetting. I was right, there should have been more papers to go with the forms. And after I went to court in the morning, I went uptown. I happen to have forgotten that the redline splits after central park, so as I was ridding the 2, thinking, its express, it will get me there quicker, I actually ended up in Harlem, when I wanted to be in Spanish Harlem (it really is nicer). I had a walk across half the city in the high heat and humidity, made my exchange, and went home to rehydrate. I did my time wrong and I ended up picking up the papers to take to the court in the city late.

I knew I was going to be pressed for time, so I took my truck, and double parked in front of the office building I like I have done many times before, but this time I got a ticket for it, and then a 2nd one because I didn't go for an inspection last month. So I rush to the city to make to the court, but its already 5 and I am just at the Brooklyn Bridge, so I call the office, tell them I didn't make it, and I drive to my auto-shop to get my inspection. Funny, my uncle asked me, 'is the check engine light on?' I said, no, because it wasn't. After they check my car out, it turns out the check engine light is burnt out. That probably happened when it was my grandfather's car. So there is something wrong with my engine, but its not critical, so they actually ran a the procedures on a different car and I got my inspection certificates. He says, bring it back when there is a real problem. That got done real easy, and real quick.

Then I met up with Stephen and Big Joe, and we ate, and spent the night playing Dead or Alive 3, it was great, only 2 things could have made it better, if losers had to drink shots, and if there was a 4th player. I thought thats what we were going to do tonight, but Stephen fell asleep in the afternoon and I wasn't really feeling like going out...besides, I was playing Forza Motorsport, I was highly entertained. And it turns out that the Jetta doesn't just have problems in the real world, but also in the video games, because after I finally got a pole position/podium finish, 1st to be exact, in the 'Stephen Special' the game glitched. I did get my money, and I did register my time on the online score board, but the win wasn't saved to the car's history!! So that car still has a 0% winning, 0 wins, 0 podium finishes, if this wasn't so funny, I would be pissed (its funny because of all of the trouble Stephenn has with his real world Jetta).


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