Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The Morning After...

boy am I glad I planned yesterday out! (note the italics indicating sarcasm)
This was the final plan: Erika would be done with her last final around noon, and I would already be waiting to greet her as she drove into her garage. Then we would go upstairs and I would draw her a bath with the salt's I got for her. As she would get into the bath tub I would set up her room for the massage, by tidying up a little and lighting the scented candles I got her. I would then bath with her, and then shower with her, using the luffa I got her and the shower jell. Then i would carry her to her bed where I would massage her using the body lotion I got for her. Then we would cuddle for like an hour or more and then by 5 leave and go eat at Micky's Place (her favorite sushi place).

How the plan played out:
Started out fine, untill I was packing the stuff; I opened the candles to find out they aren't candles! Fine, after my shower I would have to run to Austin St. to buy them before I come over. Then I find out she is already done, a half hour early, and I still had to get those candles. My plan was being pressed, I ran to the store, found a similar fragrance, then ran to her house. She beat me by probably 4 minutes or less. So I am let in and embrace her, but the sweat I earned from all that running was unwelcome. And she was in a bad mood (not because of me). So I set up her bedroom, and I put the salts in, and try to fill her bath tub. Turns out her bath tub doesn't fill!! And then we couldn't turn off the water! Boy was she pissed off. Eventually when we all calmed down, I carried her to her room and gave her a full body massage. We cuddled for a little bit, and then ended up doing other things (I wanted more naked cuddle time!). Eventually we made it out side, the weather (to me) was perfect for a walk, sunny and warm. We walked on Austin St. and through Forest Hills Gardens, it was very nice. Then we ate at Micky's Place. Then she wanted to go back to my place, I told her that was a bad idea, but we went. She ended up doing my mom's powerpoint project the entire night we were there. I was in the other room watching TV, my alternative was to sit on the floor in my room like a dog while they worked. She was exhausted from all the stuff she had to do (late night studying for her final, taking her final, stressing out over the stuff she was pissed off during the day, then my mom's project). It was wonderful to spend some quality time with Erika yesterday, except for the parts where I was being yelled at when all I was trying to do was be romantic and make her feel better.

The big high light of last night was this; during out sushi dinner, I get a call from Ronit. The conversation went essentially like this:
I'm having a~~~~~~party.
A what?
I'm having a ~~~~~party.
Your having a party?
yeah, a bachlorete party.
So your calling me because you want me to strip for you?
Would you do it?
Do what?! Strip for you?
Yeah, would you do it?
Listen, listen, I don't think you want me, I don't have the physic for this...
Its OK, we don't mind, will you do it?
You can do much better than me! Listen, I'm in the middle of dinner with Erika, can I call you back?
Oh, sorry, OK, I'll call you back in 30 minutes.
~~~So then I call Stephen, since he was giving out lap dances and dancing on pples for fun already, and he is always working out, thought he would have the physic for it too. But he was being a bad whore and not picking up when his pimp was calling. So after I ate I called her back.
I'm trying to get Stephen to do this, he already likes to give lap dances and dance on poles, plus he excercises often, so he might have a more suitable physic!
OK, or the both of you
BOTH OF US? (this is when Erika got excited and offered to tape that)

Fast forward to past midnight, none of us went. I really, REALLY wanted to though. Erika said I was punished and I couldn't. I have never done this before, so I wasn't really feeling like doing this infront of everyone, but just Ronit, the Bride and Maid of Honor would have been cool. Although I don't have a babana hamok or music or a routine, I could have had fun. Their standards weren't high, so that was good. From what I understand the women were pretty good looking, so there shouldn't have been any erection problems. How many more bachlorete parties can I get invited to in a life time? I feel like I missed out on an awesome opportunity. You know, something to tell the grandchildren about! But I didn't want to break Erika's heart or anything like that, so I stayed home :-(

This morning I was doing my work out, and thinking about possible stripper moves I can do. Definately gonna get me a thong, JUST IN CASE I get another stripper emergency call. I hate to disapoint. And I always wanted to be treaded like a sex object by women. I have never seen myself as the good looking or the desirable type, but from my experience with strippers, most of them aren't that good looking! Its more about attitude and what you can do. I want women to want me, feel sexy, and it might be really fun, a great story to tell. Maybe some of my lady friends will just need a party favor when its not a bachlorete party, so I should practise. I tried out a couple of moves this morning. I would have gone if Stephen was in, but its crazy how he thought I was insane! I'm insane to want to get naked for women who want it? Go to a party where there would be only women!? Although I wasn't going to get paid, Ronit was offering a room for Erika, me and anyone else who wanted to party with us in private. In another reality, one where me and Erika showed up, a mind blowing good time was had! If they got Mike to dance for them, I am sure they would have had a great time, he is a sexy man!

Well, tonight we party! Erika, Stephen and I are going out. Hitting the Fat Black Pussy Cat I guess. 3rd Drink Free night. Tomorrow Stephen will be leaving for Vegas I think. Hopefully I won't dance a hole into my shoe tonight.


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