Monday, May 09, 2005

I so tired

my mom was working on her final untill around 3:30AM. So I went to sleep around 4AM. At least I am not working tomorrow. I am at work now. Maybe blogging will stimulate my mind. Saturday came and went. Stephen kidnapped me and forced me to check out The Courriers, they weren't all that. They sounded like Weezer, I wouldn't pay to see Weezer. There was an up to it, Royce Petterson was there to check out the band that came on before the Weezer-esq band. His Angel (?) gave Stephen a contact for Vegas. Royce actually remembered me/us as 'one of those 3 drunk guys from after the show last time.' So I told him, "we weren't that drunk, I DID get us home alive."

Then we finally made it to The Beer Garden in Astoria. Finally met Anat's friend Adid (or is it Ah-dee?), she has the tiniest hands I have ever seen on an adult woman. We hung out there for a while. Mike was there, sipping on beer, which surprised me completly (I didn't expect him to being doing that at all). Funny how there was finally someone who dressed like Stephen (Mike that is). YO! Anat was looking HOT! WORD. LOW low low cut jeans, tight and a little short t-shirt, hot stuff, did a little wiggling. I was wearing my 'doing time in a universal mind' t-shirt, so I was feeling good regardless. Did a little bit of the beer drinking. Stephen looked miserable, but I was liking it because the place was full of Europeans. We met this guy Jimie and were joking around through out the night, he looked like Baluci from Animal House. Then we hit Ronit's place for some tea and crumb cake. I got home around 5Am, and of course, this was the 2nd Saturday night out that I was left disapointed that we didn't stay out till the sunrise. But I had fun, Stephen didn't. It was cool to see Mike in a different element.

What is there to argue about when I say that the government always represents the plaintiff (is the plaintiff). My statement was refering to them never representing a defendant, when Ronit said her firm only represents the plaintiff, so I said something like 'just like the government.' Obviously your are talking about something else entirely, but if you can't connect the 2, then thats just your short sightedness or just the beer. Some people get really defensive over stupid things. I am feeling a little more awake now.

Its not right to go to college, and get a higher education and end up working inhuman hours. It shouldn't be that way. Humans shouldn't work more than 7 hours a day, I think in France the full work day is even less. American society is disgusting, and I am part of the same compost heap.

Looks like no orgy in Bing this coming weekend. Oh well. Erika and I will have to find something else fun to do. This time tomorrow I will be...very very excited, FREEDOM DAY! Now if only this coincided with May Day, or Victory Day, no, actually, I think its better she has her own day.

I'm feeling pretty, I got my new purple dress shirt, and my black slacks and my black dress boots. Feeling loose and sexy. Thinking, 'hey, maybe I should have gone commando today.' I'll probably go commando tomorrow. I need to remember to cut my finger nails tonight or tomorrow morning. That and shave.

I keep meaning to write down more profound things than just the recaps of my days here. At least something with a little more depth, some emotion or something.

Last night I saw a feature on the CBC about a man living with wolves and that he understands their language. Then I watched on the Discovery Channel, Living With Wolves, it wasn't the same person, or the same wolves. But it was awesome. They are such complex creatures. The naration was its typical anthropomorphic style, but that is a great tool to keep people interested in a story. It reminded me of my late dog. I have been missing him very much lately. He died in January, I was very upset then. And I am saddened now. The weather is so nice, I always feel like, 'hey, this is great weather to take Luie to the dog run' or 'it sure is nice now, I'm sure Luie would enjoy a long walk.' I miss him so. He was a good dog, he had a full life, and its better this way, that what I have to keep reminding myself. But it still sadens me. I was leaving my building the other day, and someone's dog was barking and it could be heard through out the building, just like when Luie was still around. A week ago Stephen and I were eating at AJ's and I saw this beautiful couple, the man had a big dog, and the woman had a baby in a harness (baby was facing forward, not backward, which is typically the way a man wear's a baby harness), and I was thrilled and upset at the same time. Thrilled because that is what I want my future to look like (I want to be part of beautiful couple with a big dog and healthy baby that faces the world) and upset because I really wish I could go on a long walk with Luie and Erika again.
With stories like this, I don't understand how anyone can have issues with dogs. There are modern accounts of children raised by dogs. 2 stories in particular out of Ukraine. Alcoholic parents abandoning their children, and dogs end up taking care of them and raising them.

The price you pay for free economy is dehumanization. There is a reason the 'developing world' is forced to accept 'free economy' standards and those imposing those standards don't apply them to themselves. No stable country is a free economy. Why am I even talking about this here, no one cares, you just want to hear about your orgies don't you? Well yeah! Why not? Who doesn't enjoy a good orgy? Keep it comming, and keep your boring and silly political views to yourself, bring on the bitches!


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