Friday, May 06, 2005

I wish I wrote my thoughts down last night

I feel like I have forgotten some stuff from this morning. But I will try to do my best to fill you guys in.

The Mood: Sexy, I'm wearing my new shirt, new shoes, relativly new underwear and jeans (which are kinda tight), and I've been hard all morning, so I definately feel sexy. Yes, you just read that I have been hard all morning, your eyes are either burning, or parts of you are getting moist (lips, or, other lips). I'm feeling so sexy, I sent Erika a special email (wink wink).
The Music: Ozomatli, as I was waiting for my subway for a half hour (which is usually 5 minutes) I was rocking out to their hot beats, had to fight myself to keep from dancing on the platform, but I was moving to the groove.
The Place: in the office, thats pretty self explanitory, isn't it?
The Line: 'its a rental!'

Yesterday was pretty lame, but the evening turned better and I had a fun night. After work I went to get Erika lunch and it was nice, since I haven't seen her since my birthday. She only ate 3/4 of the quesadia, so I had to eat my quesadia, my taco, and her quesadia leftover and her soft taco (no not that one, but I would have easily done that if she was willing to hope into the back seat). On the way to her campus, I passed Charlie's house, and saw his truck. So I called him up and we hung out. He was playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, and it was alot of fun to watch that game. Stephen arrived back in Queens and came on over. Then we headed out for some food. And of course the food in that area is unacceptable (not really) so we went to the village to Papaya Dog. It was my 2nd try there, and even though their dogs are better and you can get more on your dog, their Banana Drink is just not as good as the other papaya places. We weren't full, so Charlie directed us to the best Brown Stand in town, and seriously, he must be because he had a line! It was around midnight, and he had a line!! There was another vender around the corner, maybe 20' away, and he had no customers, and this guy had a line. It was alot of food. I did not intend to eat so much yesterday. I bypassed breakfast today because I am still full. Considering skipping lunch too.

When we got back into Queens we checked out Astoria. I had to show Stephen Ronit's crazy house, and that its literally up the Street and on the same block as Brian's apartment. Then we circled around Astoria Park, and then we went THROUGH astoria park with the car. We were driving through the walk way, and freaked out this guy who was changing his pants (?) on a bench. On the way back to Charlie's, he gets the briliant idea to throw a rubber ball at the windshield (which I thought "did some bastard through a cherry into our car!?"). Well I confiscated the ball from him, still have it BTW. Then I drove to my garage and Stephen followed in his car. Stephen pulls up to me and asks me, "do you have any grey pupon?" We did a little quasi-racing. Then we stopped on a light next to each other, and I wanted to do a stupid thing to, so I threw the garbage from the mexican food I got for Erika, I just forgot there was a glass bottle in the bag. Lucky that stupid car has slow windows, then it could have hit his head. There was no damage, and either way, its a rental!

Don't know whats happening tonight, maybe hit the Luna, The Twelve are playing there tonight. Maybe Anat will come, its 'family dinner night' so she wont be able to come out and play. Maybe Ronit will?


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