Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Ready for graduation

I picked up my Cap and Gown and Tassel and Psi Chi Stole today. I also bought one of those holders/books to put my diploma into. It felt so good to walk through my campus again. Seeing the beautiful people, enjoying the scenery (things blooming). I ran into Aytan. I stopped by Sci Fi Anime to drop of Richard's DC games. And I was blown away! There were 3 women in the room! 2 that were new! One looked pretty damn decent! Some might even say she was good looking, or more! But I will just give her a 'pretty damn decent.' We also have 5 TVs! And allegedly the all work. Someone brought in a limited edition DC (Sports version). Mushy was there, his girlfriend who's name I never remember (Jay, is it?). Hangman and OG were there, and the rest were all fresh faces. Kapo just left the campus when I got there. I was there for only a couple of minutes, but I had to force myself out, I had to get back to work. It was very difficult to leave. Maybe I will stop by there again tomorrow after work. I picked up the college news paper, and one of their articles talks about QC making it to Face Book. NO! I will NOT make a god damn Face Book account, don't even talk to me about that BS!

Some might as, 'why the hell are you even going to that stupid ceremony?!' Thats a good question Billy. There are a couple of answers to that. I will refer you to an earlier post, where I mention how things will soon be taking a turn for the worse, so I am trying to get as most out of life as I can, while I can. Also, my parents never got to attend my brother's ceremony (neither did he). Also, its a great reason to not go to work that day (if that day is during the week, like I hope it is). While it is true that have hated all my previous graduations, this one IS different, its from an institution I feel fondly about. Also, its an excuse to be on campus.

While I was doing stuff during the day, I had my phone switched off. I do that so I don't have to ignore calls from the office, and it just seem like I am underground. I do check my messeges when I have a free minute. I heard all her messeges. Her last messege was that she was feeling upset. I got that messeges about 40 minutes after she left it, and I was in the office then, I turned on AIM, and there she was, she IMed me, and just telling me how she is mad at me because I wasn't there for her when she needed me and she is still upset, but now she doesn't want to talk about it. This all seems very childish, because if you have a problem, you should be able to talk about it, not act like a little child and pull that move "I'm mad at you, and I'm not going to talk to you about it!" Thats the type of responses I am getting. I tried to talk to her, but she isn't being receptive. There is no person who can ALWAYS be there for you! Its just a fact, we have individual lives from each other, and we have our hands full sometimes, or we are unreachable. If I want to discuss something with her, I try to wait for the best time to talk about it, not get angry with her because she can't talk about what I want to talk about at a certain time.

Last night I met up with Anat and Ronit. Anat helped me with a personal project. We got some take out from Sato and went to Ronit's to eat it. Funny how she lives on the other end of Brian's block. Her house is kinda creepy. Going up the walk way, you would think no one lives there at all, except maybe some crack-fiends. Then we made our way up a set of stairs that seem like they will fall apart pretty soon, they are already slanting. But once we were on the 2nd floor it was cool, seemed like frat house, but a little bit more orderly. They had a great deli menu, if only Anat would send me the pictures of it, I would post it here.

Gotta find something to do with Anat before she leaves to Florida (May 9th). Don't think going to Wiggles would be a great idea. It would be fun, but Erika seems to be jealous or envious that I am out with other people and having a good time while she is working her ass off for finals. If that is true, thats just not right.

I haven't heard from Stephen since last evening. I haven't even seen him online, I hope his bad luck didn't catch up with him.


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