Friday, May 13, 2005

psst...its actually Friday...

that is a very important detail, considering every night this week felt like a Friday night..."come on Stephen, top being such a pussy, its friday night!" "your a maniac! You've lost your mind! I have corrupted you, its only Monday!"

well yesterday was a very special day for me. After work I spent the evening napping and playing video games. Well why is that so special you ask? Well thats a fair question Timmy! What made it so special is because I was doing that with Erika. I slept with her (no, not sex, a nap!) and I got to play with her (no, not fooling around, playing video games). Those things mean something to me. Its been such a long time since I was able to have some quality time with her and play together! We played Bust-A-Move-4 and DC Squares on the Dreamcast. We also played Twisted on the 3DO. We watched some ER and I made nutela and cheese sandwiches. That was a good night for me.

I also got to talk to our little Jenny! Thats always cool. And I was told that my blog was entertaining, which is good. I need to know someone appreciates it. Also, I was told that it could be longer. YES, it COULD be longer, but its already longer than most of the blogs I come across. Very few english blogs are even AS long.

Well, today I will be leaving work early. Going to Erika's dad's birthday dinner. That should be tasty, going to London Lennies.' After wards I guess Erika and I will be going to my place, just relax there. Maybe read a special email from Jen, if she got around to sending it. Looks like they are going to be delayed even longer before they come to NY.

I called Stephen last night, either his phone is off, dead, or no service. He is in Vegas, hope he doesn't get any more dirty fucking mothers in his crotch! I picked up the Moi? album and tripod before he left. Maybe I'll get a chance to use my camera with Erika before I have to return it. And since Jen and Joe will be delayed from comming here, I am glad I got Ronit recruited to be our photographer.

Samurai Dave invited me out tonight, but its better to stay in. Conserve some cash, spend some more quality time with Erika. Besides, we will be out and about all weekend.

Anyone have any suggestions on a jaunt, a weekend adventure in the greater NYC area, or upstate? We need to adventure together.


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