Sunday, May 15, 2005

Moi? at the Luna! 5/14/05

Royce Petterson of Moi? in our laps

Me, Erika, Brooklyn David, "Vary" and of course Royce in our laps. Hope this makes the next album cover! Too bad Stephen wasn't here, he actually remembered us. Erika looks so happy because she has a rock and roll star on her lap, and thats much hotter than some Dirty F***ing Mother. She said it was mad heavy, must have been his testicular fortitude! He told us it was heavy!

Dear Rocye! The wedding was a blast, and the honeymoon was unforgetable. Hope it all stays hot till June! I just got home, and its 5AM, so I will post more about my day during the SunDAY. WOO!! SAVE ROCK AND ROLL!!

"I am a mature dandilion"
"Blow me"


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