Sunday, April 24, 2005

another lazy sunday morning

actually its 12:30, so its not really morning is it. I had some crazy ass dreams, which I love, and I only remember these dreams when I sleep in. In one of them there were a bunch of roughneck bikers playing video games at Sophia's dacha, except her house was in the Golfpark. As everyone was leaving I caught up with this really big black bad ass biker and was talking to him when i hear a jet come in real low, and I look around and its coming in grazing the tree line along thte road, getting lower and lower and trying to pull up and bounced off the road and went into a flip and crashed into the ground near us. There was no explosion (maybe they were out of fuel), and I was just stammering 'not again NOT AGAIN oh no oh no OH NO' I could barely dail 911 on my cell phone. I could barely move from fear. I finally made my way into the woods and it seemed like cars were passing us by, finally emergency personel started to arive. In my other dream that I remember I was in my 3rd grade class room, except everything was adult sized, and we were having a discussion, and then this guy started talking about Romanians, how they are the most beautiful, and I started arguing and dissing Romania, because its the 2nd poorest country in Europe and other stuff, I was arguing so pastionately that I nearly woke myself up, I could feel me coming out of my dream and hear the things in my reality environment.

Last night I leveled up 1 level in PSO. There were very few people online on the EU ships or the Jap ships. The EU ship with people on it was one of the lower ones, I stayed in the first/top one, because I figured if people were going to join it was more likely to go into the first one. Today at 3PM I will be at Erika's having lunch for whatever special day this is (some sort of holiday).

I love having morning wood! Is anyone else horny?


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