Thursday, April 21, 2005

some memorable lines

I'm moving the lines I kept in my AIM profile here.

Samurai Dave: i can fondle myself and get a better scare

Samurai Dave: being a guy and all, when approachin nother male of my species and tryin to fondle their balls...they therefore i run after them to get closer....(kinda like the yo-yo affect)

Samurai Dave: welll sire, one thing, it's one of the perks of being asian shaving is a breeeze we dun grow much facial hair and if we need to trim down south, there's nothin to worry, our penises go into hiding, and all clear heh, i laff at u white men, our everyday lives are peachy sure granted our penis is nearly inexistant, but it's not like we have sex everyday...shaving, is nearly a must

There were more, but at the time I only had my AIM profile to display it in so I had to cut them out.

I'm going to be stopping by my campus today, drop off papers for graduation, maybe stop by Sci Fi Anime, see whats up. Then its off to Bronx Supreme Court. Don't know if I am going to take any detours to The Village, its not like I can be spending money at the moment, so I'll probably return straight to the office.


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