Friday, June 24, 2005

you ask me 1 more time where I was Billy and you'll get 1 in the cake hole!

Stupid Billy...I'm busy! I hate to admit that, yeah, its like a fad, you want to do it, and you do, and you seem cool for a little bit, and then it seems just like another chore. But only because it seems like only 3 people read the damn thing, and I talk to those people anyway! So they already know what is going on in my life. And some people don't want me to get deap and personal on this thing, so it leaves me with very little to do on this thing.

But here goes, for those who stumble onto this particular blog and DO NOT KNOW ME ALREADY this is what I have been up to.

I got my last rejection letter from my prospective Law Schools. Feel down and bumbed out. Now I have to work for another year. Paid to take another LSAT this October. So now I have to study for that silly exam and then do applications again and PAY FOR THEM AGAIN!!! And right essays and then wait in anticipations again. Its very stressful. I was hoping I would just be accepted (anywhere really) and quit work in August and just invest myself into my schooling.

Going out and hitting the music scene was fun, but took a real toll on my wallet. Especially when Erika started going out with us (because I have to pay her way too). We didn't even see the last Rinse and Moi? performances. I just know Royce and Angel Pussy missed us.

Lots of interesting stuff happened since I last posted, but they just don't seem that intersting at this second. Tonight is dinner at Erika's house with her relatives visiting from Israel. Next week I will be going upstate to open up my dacha. So I am taking off work form Wednesday untill after 4th of July. Tomorrow night is Isabell's birthday party. I am looking forward to it. She has invited me for years now, and I am finally going to go. Beer pong, PS2, BBQ and dogs, should be an interesting night.

Now Billy, if your going to cry, I'm just going to have to punch you in your eye, SO STOP YOUR BALLING!

Well I should get going, don't want to be the last to show up for dinner. I have so much to say though, I really do! I will try to really write stuff down this weekend, I should definately have something interesting after the birthday party.


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