Friday, June 10, 2005

my legs feel good

yesterday afternoon we went to Juniper park, and Stephen and I played with a soccerball. And I can feel it in my legs today! Oh it feels good! We need to be doing these types of physical activities more regularly. After the park we went for Italian Ices (we were really feeling for the Snowies from The Hole but we settled for Loui G's). Then we went to Friday's, and had the Jack Daniels Shrimp and Chicken, it was tasty! After I paid with my card, Stephen decides to sign it as Mickey Mouse, and then I decide to try to make it look like my name at least, and we get the hell out of there. Spent the rest of the night at Erika's, just talking with her dad and then watching that Come Back show and 'on-te-raj' show, yes, I can't spell it, just read the phonetics! I came home and see I have a missed call on my cell phone. Turns out that when I was at Friday's, so was Isabell, she was 1 table away. She yelled my name even. Talked to her on the phone around 1am, it was nice. OH! I can feel it in my back too! Thats great!

Well, tonight we should have a bunch of people come out with us. First we hit the Black Fat, then Off the Wagon. Even Jenny and Joey are coming out tonight! I wonder if we will run into Barry again...funny how we keep seeing people who look like him. Like when we saw Moi? the opening band had a guy who looked like Barry, just a little older/haggered. Ace of Clubs wasn't so cool, they seem pro-country. Their sound system was better than at the Luna Lounge though. They let that country band perform an extra song and they went for a pretty long time besides that. Funny how it looked like the singer was reading sheet music. Moi? was great, no new music, just changed up the intros a little, Royce told us that every time he has a different set of intros. The club shut off their mikes right after they were done, people chanted for more but they club wouldn't allow it! Country biased bastards. They have a guitarist again. Angle Pussy came up to us and thanked us for coming. Royce came up to us after the show and invited us to the next gig where there would be open bar. Se we AREN'T stalkers, we are invited, unless its a trap.We invited him to the closing of the Luna. He didn't wear any glitter this time, just a golden outfit. And possibly gone commando, didn't get a chance to ask. Its wierd, rock star comes up to you, and you don't really know what to say, I tried to bring some stuff up, but kept getting into akward silent moments, of course broken by "I need to get a drink," always a safe out.

If I were a rock and roll front man, I would be like Royce Petterson. That guy puts on a great show. Maybe I should get some lunch about now, maybe...


Blogger Dweller of the Emotional Valley said...

Is my fan base growing? I should start a fan site!

1:16 PM  

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