Saturday, May 28, 2005

Jim Morrison is delicious

so is Janis Jopplin. Those were sashimi/sushi rolls at club 17. The Rinse were great. Their usual groopies showed up. Free CDs were given out again. Some other mediocre bands came on afterwards. NSG had some wild stuff going on, the bassist was tossing stuff at some people in the audience that they knew. Then he was humping some guy's head. The lead guitarist was on the floor and stumbling around and fell between the instruments and the couches. Those guys looked like they weren't even old enough to be in the place. And their last words made everything very clear, "thank you whisky." Apparently 'tiger beer' means whisky in that place, because that is what they had for free. And no go go dancers. 2 bands kinda trash talked the venue. I wouldn't go there again, except for the rolls.

Don't you hate it when you know something should be somewhere but it seems to have disapeared off the face of the world? I bought this 4M memory card from and I know I put it with my other Dreamcast stuff, but its not there, its not anywhere! I find it very bothersome! Its really on my mind.

Tonight was nice, Erika and I stayed in, she played games on my laptop and I played Forza Motor Sport, and then we watched Family Business on video on demand, and Ronit called wanting to finally go out, on the night we decided to stay in because we are running low on cash. So she invited us to hang out at her place after she got home from work. So we stopped watching my Family Guy DVDs and went back to my room, to wait for her IM. In the mean time I played some Toy Commander with Erika, and man thats a great concept and a decent game for the Dreamcast, and its from 1999! So its one of the launch titles. Love my little white box. She was sucking at it so I quit it. It was both our first times at this game, so no one had any clear advantage, she's just a quitter at most games. We also played some DC Squares earlier.

So we went to Ronit's, Erika made White Russians, Ronit made her Special Dip, which didn't have any not-so-legal substances. We just hung out and talked. Ronit was recruiting Erika to have a 3some with her and anotther guy. My only mental reaction was "HEY, your skipping the line, first me and Erika should fuck you, then you and Erika can fuck another guy" its like someone is cutting me off in the line, and thats just not kosher. I'm not the jealous type, I know where our hearts are, and we should just enjoy our youth while we still can. High light of the night was Ronit and Erika talking about how the other one was beautiful, too bad we had to cut it short, they were feeling really tired.

Since we didn't go out with Stephen tonight, he was supposed to drink 2 White Russians in my honor, but they didn't have any milk, irronicly I did drink 2 White Russians. Funny how Anat was on the phone with us, it was almost like she was really hanging out with us. Stephen was working it tonight, gave his number to a girl, and almost had some girls leave the club with them, I am very proud of him. I am sure Big Joe is too.

Erika's folks are going to Roahd Island (whatever its spelled like). I plan on sleeping over while they are away. If Ronit were to come over...then it could be a real party...

Erika really wants to BBQ this weekend. But not ontop of a German girls grave.


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