Monday, May 23, 2005

Back Downstate

me - Is that knocking?
everyone else - Knocking? no...
distant voice - YES!
(apparently there was a front door to David's house)

I am so glad I lived at home when I was in college. Anat's, Ronit's, David's houses, they are so bad! Just nuts, they aren't even like real houses, they are wrecks. But hey, partying in them was alright, living in it, unacceptible. But hey, nothing against you guys, just your temporary homes. Yes, yes, I understand its a tough spot your in and its probably the best you could get considering your situations, but still, its super ghetto. So yeah, I have returned from our Binghamton trip.

It was a fast drive back, just 4 hours. 'Any souveniers' you ask, Billy? Well sure! I found a 1st party PS1 memory card, and it wasn't even in Binghamton, it was in Vestal (souvenier, HA! HA!). I did blow alot of money on food and gass. We ate at Burger King, where Erika got a crown (as usual) and Joe was scouting for the Star Wars toys. The rest of the time we ate at The Spot (a diner in Bing), they had good shrimp scampi and pancakes and greek omlets.

Bing answered some questions for me. Now I know why in games like Grand Theft Auto the cities are believable cities, because non-major cities are that small! Also, the reason why its even referenced to on the highway signes, because it has buildings of 6 floors and higher! Like 4 of them! The thing that did bother me was that Binghamton University wasn't in Bing! Its out side the city limits. It does seem like a nice campus though. Funny how some of the high rise buildings on campus look a lot like Kylie Hall on my campus. When I was leaving his campus, I was going to cut through the lawn right after the security passed, and as I start to drive on the lawn, the security car turns around, so I bulted off the lawn into another direction. I did get to hop a curb and drive on the lawn a little.

All in all it was a fun trip. While we were there we watched alot of English DVDs, Coupling, Faulty Towers and Life of Brian. We also watched Dawn of the Dead, it wasn't good, but it was fun. We also listened to some records, thats right, vinyle, some Rolling Stones, some Lynard Skynard, and...ah yes, ROLLING STONES! There was some naughty fun...but I won't go into that right now. It was just great to just hang out with with friends and joke around and not worry about anything. The only thing that sucked was going to sleep and leaving.

I'll try to post the pictures from the trip during the week. My laptop is all funky right now, so I might not be able to load it soon.


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